

  • Q1.Does the Hotel provide lounge services?+

    We hope to provide our guests with the simplest and most comfortable residential environment.
  • Q2.What is the bed size?+

    Double King Size:165cm x 200cm, Bedsheet:110cm x 200cm
  • Q3.Is there a bathtub in the bathroom?+

    However, the rooms equipped with bathtub are limited.
    If required, please book in advance via phone or email and notify the reservation agent.
  • Q4.Are additional persons or beds acceptable?Will additional charges be collected?+

    Additional persons / beds are available in some types of room. NT$600 will be charged for each additional person and NT$1000 for each additional bed.
    (Please contact the counter or room reservation center for details)

Please feel free to inquire about accommodation and reservation of room via this Form. Your thoughts and suggestions about accommodation, if any, are also greatly appreciated.
Your encouragement drives our growth. We will respond to your questions promptly.

Required to be specified


Please Fill Up the Number on the picture.

Quick Contact

No.20, Jianbao St., Changhua City 50060, Taiwan
Service Hours:Mon~Fri 09:00~18:00